
updating your committee - getting admin rights to the app, the website and our emails

Updating your committee members - getting admin rights to the app, the website and our emails


Why you need to alert us about new committee members

Sometimes committees change. Committee members may step down from their responsibilities due to personal commitments, or committees may decide to introduce a new committee position mid-way through the year. We need to be alerted of any new committees members so we can update our records and grant admin rights to ensure your new committee member receives our emails and has admin access to the website and the app.


How you should alert us about new committee members

  • If you have run a new election within your club or society and have a new committee member, or if you think a committee member doesn't have access to the app or website, please fill in the form below so we can update admin access as appropriate.
  • Please fill in one form per committee member change. For example, if you have elected a new secretary and social secretary, you would need to complete the form twice. 
  • We will not notify you once we have reviewed your form, but we will be reviewing this form every Monday. Please check admin rights on a Tuesday to see if your application has been processed. We will only contact you if we identify a problem with your account. 
  • Please see here for guidance on running a democratic election.


The Form

Please fill in the form below to alert us of a committee member change.