nus delegate


UEASU Election Rules Governing the NUS Delegate Elections

The highest decision-making body of the entire NUS structure, this is the largest NUS Conference and one of the largest gatherings of student representatives in Europe, with over 1000 delegates. It sets policy for the year ahead in each of the 5 zones (Society & Citizenship, Higher Education, Further Education, Welfare and Union Development) and elects NUS President, Vice Presidents and Block of 15 representatives on the NUS National Executive Council.

It is likely to be a hub of debate and discussion about how student issues will be dealt with by a new government. 

It is also where the budget for the year ahead is decided through the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Every year over 1,500 delegates arrive at the conference from institutions across the United Kingdom.

As NUS enters it’s 98th year we’ve clarified a new purpose: deliver focused high impact campaigns that win for students. This year’s National Conference will be high energy, impactful campaigning space - moving away from reacting to the symptoms, and going after the root causes instead.

At National Conference, students and officers from across Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England will come together  to focus on the next steps of our #StudentsDeserveBetter campaign and moving to fight for a new vision for education, alongside building our #DecoloniseEducation campaign.

The conference will take place online

As a conference attendee you can expect:

  1. Spaces where you can build your networks and connections, 
  2. Meaningful involvement in shaping the next steps of our campaigns
  3. Chances to grow your own campaigning skills to take action.

It doesn’t end with conference either. We are t building communities of activists to continue to be actively involved in our campaigns.Before, during and after conference we’ll also be working together to shape what NUS will be vocal and visible on. These sessions will be part of conversations to continue to shape, grow and develop the campaigning priorities for our movement in the future Read more here.

In addition we’ll be electing Democratic Procedures Committee and National Scrutiny Council members at conference. Read more about elections here.

  • When: 6th - 8th April 2021.

  • Where: Online

  • Places available: 5 (2 places are reserved for women candidates and one officer is a guaranteed a place).

  • Eligibility requirements: None

    More information about the NUS conference can be found here

